People and Culture
What We Offer

Find resources for both new members of the team and hiring managers.

Explore the wide variety of benefits that UCLA offers to staff.
The PMPs are annual performance reviews that serve to both fulfill management responsibilities and support employee development.
Professional Development Opportunities
At UCLA, we are committed to fostering an environment where our staff can thrive both professionally and personally. We provide a range of opportunities to empower our employees to enhance their skills while supporting job satisfaction, retention, and a culture of lifelong learning and inclusivity.
One-year leadership development program provides opportunities to enhance professional and management skills, build professional networks, and learn about the structure and culture of the University.
Training and Development CatalogThe UCLA Training and Development Catalog offers a comprehensive listing of all enrollment-eligible classes and workshops offered by Campus Human Resources and our training partners.
UC People Management CertificateStaff aspiring to become managers or supervisors are may complete 10 Core Courses and 4 Elective courses to increase their people management capabilities.